Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Avoiding Broke exists to make Personal Finance education available for everyone.

Why we exist

Avoiding Broke exists to make Personal Finance education available for everyone.

We want to help as many people as possible, young and old, to understand how to make, protect and grow their money.

Jamain is a Banker and Leanne is an Economist. We are working towards financial freedom and learning every day. We hope to help people across the world obtain personal finance education – it is not taught in schools but is a key part of all our lives.

All opinions are our own and not financial advice. Always do your own research.

Real insight

Real insight

Jamain is a Banker and Leanne is an Economist. We try and use the skills gained in our professions to understand how to improve our financial situation.

Actionable ideas

Actionable ideas

We focus on actionable ideas that can help people make, protect and grow money in a clear, simple way.

Our Stories

Our Stories

All views are our own. We share our experiences, successes and failures in trying to obtain financial freedom. This is not financial advice

Jamain Graveney

Jamain Graveney

Leanne Graveney

Leanne Graveney